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Free Printable Student Planner

Stay organized with this free printable student planner and keep track of your school assignments, homework, tests, grades, and everything school related. It has everything you need to get more productive and stay organized.

Free Printable Student Planner

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Another school year is about to start. But this one is not going to be your traditional kind of back-to-school year.

Things have been so unpredictable lately, and it’s been the same with the schools. We are not sure if we are going to have in-person classes, online classes, or a mix of the two.

In such a case, it is more than important to have a handy tool that can help you stay organized, productive, and creative.

This student planner printable will help you do just that since it comes filled with pages to help you keep track of your school activities.


Student Planner Printable

Download your FREE Planner

No matter how you decide to spend this school year, it should be exciting for students and teachers to get back to school, to the books, assignments, tests and everything school related.

This free printable student planner is a wonderful resource that you can use to keep track of everything that will be happening in the upcoming academic year.

Related: Free Printable Homeschool Planner

There will be tests, exams, assignments, projects, activities, and so much more. This planner makes it convenient and easy to keep everything at your fingertips.

Setting your daily routine as well as a weekly and monthly routine will help students stay on track with their studies.

It is ideal for older kids or college students. When you download this free printable planner, you will find it filled with everything students need to stay on top of everything school related.


Once you download this student planner printable, you can put together this student binder using the following or similar supplies:

  • 3 Ring Binder
  • 3 Ring Binder Hole Punch
  • Heavy Weight 32 Lb Paper
  • Printer
  • Divider Tabs
  • Pens


This student planner covers very basic components to help you stay organized and productive during your school year.

Here are the pages included in this free student planner printable binder:

  • Monthly Calendar (Undated 2 Page Spread)
  • Daily Schedule
  • Weekly Schedule
  • Assignment Schedule
  • Class Schedule
  • Exam Schedule
  • Reading Log
  • Grade Tracker
  • Project Schedule
  • Homework Schedule
  • Notes

This free printable student planner PDF is perfect to start your academic school year.


Looking for a more detailed student planner? Upgrade to premium version with this Printable Student Planner.

Let’s look into some of sections of this premium student planner in more detail:

First thing when you download this student planner printable, you will notice this cute cover page. This colorful cover page can be printed on heavy thick card stock paper so that you can get study support.


Student Planner Printable - Monthly Calendar

Monthly Planner is 2 page spread and comes with 12 months of the academic year. Starting from August all the way to July.

Since these are undated you can use it over and over again every year. Plan your months easily with this 2 page monthly spread. There’s plenty of space to write in those boxes.

The notes section on the right hand side can be used to write down important notes and things to do.


Weekly Planner Printable

Weekly Planner comes with the days of the week listed on the left hand side. The week starts from Sunday to Saturday.

Right hand side can be used to write the main points about assignments, class and due date.

Related: Free Travel Packing Checklist

If you have any tests scheduled in that week, write them down in the section below along with the date that the test is scheduled.

The notes section on the bottom can be used to write down any notes about that week, assignment or the tests.


Project Planner Printable

Download Student Planner

Need to complete a project? Use this project planner to make sure you have everything you need to make sure you are on the right track.

With this project planner, you can write down the subject, the due date, and all the project details.

Related: Free Printables Planner Binder Covers

Write the main points and to do list in the To do List below that section.

Next section can be used to write down all the materials and resources you will need for that project. Below is the notes section where you can write important notes about the project.


Weekly Schedule

Just like monthly spread, you can use this weekly schedule to plan your week’s tasks. You can use these pages to get the glimpse of the important tasks for the week.

On top right hand side, you can write the week for your reference. Right hand section has the Notes and To Do List for you to write down important notes and things to do.


Assignment Schedule Planner Printable

Other sections included in this student planner are assignment schedule, class schedule, exam schedule, reading log, grade tracker, goal tracker, homework schedule etc.


Although most of the pages included in this planner binder will be useful, but if you think you don’t need any pages, simply skip printing them.

As for printing, you can print the pages on one side of the page or go with back to back printing.

For back to back printing, make sure to follow these instructions on How to Print Letter Size Printables Back to Back

And that’s it. Simply print the pages and put them together in this binder. This planner has everything you need to stay on top of your homeschooling plan.

Free Student Planner Printable

Student Planner Printable

Free Printable Student Planner

Student Planner Printable Binder

1 Comment

  1. Good day, I already downloaded the pdf and I am very thankful that the free planner is legit. I’ve been visiting tons of sites already and I loved this one the most. Thank you so much, Ms. May God bless you.

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